Respect Our Girls: On The Mixed Messages We Send To Our Daughters

Kelli Russell Agodon
4 min readSep 9, 2014
Girls are Strong, 1982, Tacoma, Washington

As school begins and dress code rules begin to be broken or complained about, I am thinking about the mixed messages we send our girls, our daughters.

Here’s something I don’t write about much because I like to keep my family life separate from writing life, but I’m the mother of an incredible daughter who constantly amazes me in all she does.

Recently, she’s been having a lot of questions about being a girl, a middle-school girl, a just-entering high school girl, which honestly, may be one of the hardest times in a girl’s life because they’re at that “mid” point — not women, but not children either.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the mixed messages our societies gives girls of all ages; we so want them to grow up into smart, kind, strong women, but right now, as kids, we’re kind of messing with their heads.

We tell them to love themselves for who they are, while grown women complain about their thighs, wrinkles, tummy fat, or gray hairs. Some women go out and get plastic surgery, botox. Some women diet constantly, skip dessert.

We say, “It doesn’t matter what you look like, it’s what you do that’s important!” Then spend the morning complaining how we’ve gained five pounds.

Then Dove corporation creates a huge campaign about loving ourselves and our natural beauty, while selling us anti-aging cream on the side.

We tell our girls “don’t dress sexy,” then sell them padded bras and padded bikinis. While school shopping I noticed the majority of the skirts in the stores were booty-grazers and the shorts made Daisy Duke look a little prudish.

We say, “it’s important to be smart,” then make a snide comment about another woman while browsing a tabloid magazine in the checkout line.

We tell them “be empowered and be yourself,” but if “yourself” includes something that doesn’t fit our definition of beauty, sometimes we freak out a bit.

We tell the girls not to “dress provocatively,” instead of telling boys not to rape.

We tell them not to be bossy, then tell them to stick up for themselves & be assertive (though we rarely tell the boys not to be bossy).

We say it doesn’t matter what other people think, then live a lifestyle above our means to fit in or impress people ourselves.

We make dress codes for the girls so they don’t “distract” the boys, instead of teaching boys that you respect a girl whether she’s in a scoop neck t-shirt & short skirt or a button-up polo shirt & long pants.

And we don’t do all of this all the time, but we do it enough that I can see in the faces of these girls, the what-the-heck-is-going-on? look, the who-are-we-supposed-to-be?

And I know, this middle-place is hard for girls, their bodies feel as if they are part of some sort of hormonal experiment, but their bodies are theirs, their styles are theirs, and really, our girls are trying to figure out who they are.

Just as each of us do at different times in life; we reevaluate our life and values. And sometimes we aren’t happy with ourselves, and sometimes we are.

So in this time of change and crazy hormones, ease up on the girls, especially the ones in the middle, they are just muddling through this time as we once did. And help them support other girls who are also just doing the best they can and making the best choices they know how to at this very moment.

Love them for their baggy t-shirts or skinny jeans. Love them for their long crazy-colored hair or their short, this-will-do cropped style. Love them for their raccoon-eye makeup or their struggle with forehead acne. Love them for their good and bad choices, their mistakes and what they learn from them.

Thank them when do something kind, no matter how small. Girlworld folds in on itself and it can be hard to realize life is going on throughout the world and not just on your corner of the universe.

Let them know that no, they aren’t crazy, our culture is giving them mixed messages constantly.

Remind them how much they are loved and valued for who they are not how they look.

And let them know that as grown women will continue to try to make the world a better place for them by what we do and say. In certain ways, these girls are a compact mirror of our who we are and the struggles we still have as women, so we need to love them and love ourselves, while constantly trying to make things better for generations of both girls and boys to come.



Kelli Russell Agodon

Poet. Editor. Author. Still believes art & poetry can save the world. Cofounder of Two Sylvias Press: /